The Many Worlds of Historical Sociology
Author: George Steinmetz
Author: Andrea Borghini
Chapter 1: Elements for an Emancipatory Historical Sociology
Revisiting Lukács via Mészáros
Author: Ricardo A. Dello Buono
Chapter 2: Antonio Gramsci’s Contribution to a Critical and Historical Sociology
Author: Gerardo Pastore
Chapter 3: The Historical Sociology of Long-Term Social Change
Notes on the Contribution of Christopher Chase-Dunn to World-System Analysis
Author: Domenico Maddaloni
Chapter 4: The Great Oscillation
Historicism, Polanyi’s Double Movement, and Embedded Dynamics of Capitalism
Author: Cory Blad
Chapter 5: Depth in the Inexhaustible Surface of Things
Postmodernism and the Fetishism of Commodities
Authors: Enrico Campo and Alfonso Maurizio Iacono
Chapter 6: Method, History, and Society
The Main Road by Werner Sombart
Author: Roberta Iannone
Chapter 7: Bourdieu and Elias, Historical Sociologists
Notes for a Comparison
Author: Andrea Borghini
Chapter 8: On Habitus, Historical Processes and Art Experience
Some Remarks on Pierre Bourdieu’s Early Reflections on the Genealogy of the Judgment of Taste
Author: Elena Gremigni
Chapter 9: Michael Mann’s History of Social Power
Author: Eleonora Piromalli
Chapter 10: The Sociology of Concepts or the Sociology of Judgments?
Schmitt, Benjamin, Weber
Authors: Carmelo Lombardo and Lorenzo Sabetta
Chapter 11: In Search of Dialogue with History
A Political Science Research Perspective
Author: Alfredo Ferrara
Author: Andrea Borghini